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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Brochure Design

In one of the designs they used contrast to make they words stand out. Alignment was also used for the text. Promixty was used for the images. Each after picture of the brochures used all four of the design principles.

I think the packing of a product is very important. When I shop I look at the packing and how it looks. I believe it does influence if you buy something or not.

Doorknob Hanger

For this project we created a doorknob hanger. I made mine for a baby.

Cereal Box

For this project we had to create a cereal box. I created Bieber O’s.


Candy Bar Wrapper

For this project we had to design a candy bar wrapper. Mine was a Willy Wonka candy.

Greeting Card

For this project we had to design a greeting card. I made a Christmas greeting card. It would be used by sending to people for Christmas.

Wrapping Paper

For this project we had to create wrapping paper. I created Christmas wrapping paper.


A piece of paper with news. A newsletter is a document conaining news and announcements.


A flyer is a piece of paper sending a message to an audience. It can be different styles. It’s used to promote events.

Business Card

ImageA business card is a card with someone’s information. It usually has a person’s name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail/web site address.